Across: |
1. | Your ___ is between your head and your shoulders. A giraffe has a long ___. |
3. | My house has a front yard and a ___ yard. My books are in my ___ pack. |
5. | Look out the ___; what do you see? My bathroom has a fan, but no ___. |
7. | Taco ___ is a fast food restaurant. A cow wears a cow ___. Liberty ___. Ring the ___. |
9. | A wedding ___ is on her finger. An engagement ___. A ___ around the bathtub. Did you hear the phone ___? |
10. | The sky is ___. The ocean is ___. My eyes are ___. His jeans are ___. A ___berry is ___. |
12. | We are going ___ in a circle. I'll see you ___. My grandma is ___ 50 years old. |
13. | I ___ in this chair yesterday. I will sit in this chair tomorrow. I'm sitting in this chair right now. |
14. | The plane flies ___ the air. The arrow flies ___ the air. The bird flies ___ the air. |
16. | I hear with my ears. I see with my ___s. Sara has blue ___s. Nancy has brown ___s. Bob has green ___s. |
17. | Dora ___ at her mother. Her mother ___ at Dora. They were happy to see each other. They didn't cry; they didn't laugh; they just ___. |